The Big 3 

There are tens of thousands of books on parenting, and most are "how to" books. Most of those are "how to get" a child to do or not do something or to learn something.  But even if you always could get your child to do or become what you want, then neither you nor your child would experience a deep and meaningful relationship with each other.  Here are The Big 3 family issues that the Beyond Good Parenting Curriculum addresses in a uniquely effective way. Imagine (yes, now) how your sense of fulfillment, appreciation, and joy in living together could be without these issues:

1 Get on THE Same Page

How parents can work in partnership, no matter differing philosophies, beliefs, and experiences; remove guilt;  nurture or restore intimacy;  accelerate learning, cooperation, accomplishment; and increase feeling appreciated -  for every family member. There is a common goal that every one of us has, for everything. A simple new context with its vocabulary is developed that promotes, even begs for, heart-to-heart communication on any issue.

For more about this:

2 Power Struggles

Why our children resist us is demonstrable and thus potentially avoidable. But also, dealing with resistance, in themselves and others, can be valuable for them as they seek both unconditional acceptance and full self-determination. Seeing how and why this happens allows parents to become valued "coaches,"  allowing maximum learning while remaining in charge

For more about this:

3 THRIVING in School

Research inadvertently shows that much of our youngest children’s earliest learning is overlooked, that our schooling often displaces learning, and that much of "good" schooling is not the best prep for real life. Nevertheless, school is what it is, and for many, the choices are few. You can help prepare your child for success in any school (or non-school) environment, for a future of wide open possibility and accomplishment.

For more about this or any other concern or behavioral issue: